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The Secrets to Success at Friendship
This post explains the Secrets to Success at Friendship Fitness!
My Movember Survivor Story
Stuart Allen shares his Survivor Story for Movember & Men’s Health Awareness

FRAN Strategy and Tips -- A Comprehensive Guide
In this video Jenny Borda, DPT along with Jeff & Maria Binek go over the famous CrossFit Benchmark workout Fran. In this video we discuss Fran Strategies, Tips on the movements and set-up hacks.

Podcast Episode 128: Plan Moving Forward & Giving Our Greatest Contribution!
In this episode I lay out what the next 30 weeks of the Friendship Podcast will look like!
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The Importance of Personal Training and Coaching Relationships
The origins of Personal Training date back to 776 B.C. when the Ancient Greeks would begin preparing themselves for the Olympic Games. These original coaches were men of honor, typically holding esteemed positions in the community like military or religious leaders. They were spiritual trainers, as much as they were coaching the athletes physically. Fast forward 2,700 years and the practice is continued today. The best and the brightest coaches and trainers are still gurus in all aspects, mental and physical, and understand the relationship between the two domains. In this blog, we will discuss the value and importance of committing to this relationship.

Podcast Episode 126: Get 2021 Started Right by Building Autonomy & Personal Freedom
In this episode we discuss how to resist the negativity bias that is creeping into our society slowly but surely. How we can take ACTIVE steps to work on ourselves to avoid these common pitfalls and traps and begin helping other people.

Podcast Episode 125: Compound and Learn to Double Down in Hard Times
In this episode we discuss how our goals need to be independent of timelines and we need to continue to make the hard deposits even and especially when times are hard.

Podcast Ep. 124: Handling Distractions & Bringing Positivity to Those In Your Circle
In this episode we discuss all of the "Rabbit Holes" and things in our community that are set to trip us up on the way to the top of the mountain. Looking around to avoid those, and to help other avoid those, will bring you love, positivity and gratitude to your life. Bring something beautiful to those around you today, and you will feel better for it.

Podcast Ep. 123: Positive Self-Talk vs. Self-Limiting Beliefs
In this episode we discuss ways that you can work on building your self-awareness, positive self talk and removing self-limiting beliefs!